Staffing Inc.
A Skilled Labor Force Serving Industry

Main Office
(254) 647-1400
FAX: (254) 647-5221

Never turn down a job due to a shortage of manpower.



About Summit Staffing

Summit Staffing provides highly skilled labor to all facets of industry. Our unique understanding of employers' needs ensures that the employees provided are perfectly suited to our clients' requirements.

Summit strives to provide the best employees on an as needed basis in fields such as:

  • Rotating and Reciprocating Compression
  • Turbines 100Mw Steam & Gas Engines
  • Electric Utilities
  • Hydrocarbon Processors
  • Oil Field Compression
  • Co-Generation Facilities
  • Wind Turbine /Energy
  • Various Clerical positions


  • Jessie Barker - Owner/CEO
       26 year background in oil & gas plant maintenance.  Lone Star/ Enserch Energy~ TXU, 8 years of experience with T.R.P., LLC since July 2000. Area Superintendent East Texas,  responsibilities include, EEOC, hiring & firing, Safety Trainer, ROI > profitability and budgeting.

  • Carl Barker - Owner/President
        15 years energy distribution and heavy contruction, operations, plant management,  Human Resources processes prior to the formation of Summit Staffing, Inc.