Management Access
Ensuring Safety
Summit Staffing is committed to the constant improvement of worksite safety. Safety and environmental concerns occupy the highest priority with Summit's management. Summit is committed to creating an environment that ensures the safety of employees, customers, as well as the community.
Summit's strategy for creating and sustaining a safe work environment involves communicating Summit's Safety Policies, training the work force in safe practices, taking immediate remedial action when potentially unsafe actions or situations are recognized, as well as holding all employees accountable for conducting daily work in a safe manner.
Employees are responsible for following client and company risk, safety, and environmental programs, rules, policies, and procedures. Employees must participate in preventing unsafe conditions, acts, practices and injuries. Every employee shall immediately report any failure to comply with the standards to Summit management and client's management representative. As contractors co- employed they are expected to meet the same standards in addition to their own obligations. All personnel should regard themselves as members of a safety and environmentally aware company.
Work Safely!
Jesse Barker Owner/CEO